Facility & Research Procedures

Protocol Proposal Form

All investigators requesting to conduct research in the PRIME Centre are required to submit a Protocol Proposal Form to obtain Centre approval. The form requires a description of the project, detailed protocol, project funding information and ethics approval status. Please click the “submit” button to send your completed form.

The Protocol Review Committee meets regularly to review submitted Protocol Proposal Forms. Approved proposals will receive a Certificate of Approval.

Orientation & Training

Required Courses

The following courses are required for all Researchers and Research Staff using PRIME:

PRIME Centre Orientation

Once you have been issued a Certificate of Approval from the PRIME Protocol Review Committee, all Research Staff Members listed on your Protocol Proposal Form will be required to attend an Orientation Session.

PRIME Equipment Training

Researchers and Research Staff who request equipment use must be able to document appropriate training.  For those who cannot demonstrate training, specialized equipment training will be required and/or proposals may be subject to deferral.